- “Augh!”
— Light Attack - “Hough!”
— Medium Attack - “HOAAH!!”
— Heavy Attack - “Eh...”
— Soft hit - “DOOAGH!”
— Hard hit - “Aaaaaahh...”
— Stunned - “EEEUUUGHAARGH...!”
— Defeated - “Dark Thunder!”
— During Dark Thunder - “Inferno!”
— During Inferno - “Armageddon!”
— During Armageddon - “Hahaha... Haha!”
— Taunt, Set Win & Heart of Darkness - “Blackheart rises!”
— match win - “You're mine!”
— unknown; MVC2 only - “Father!”
— Assist out; MVC2 only
Marvel Super Heroes[]
- “It is not enough to have defeated you, now I will corrupt your very soul.”
- “Make way for the new order. BLACKHEART reigns supreme.”
- “My father Mephisto will be happy to welcome one so weak into his Kingdom.”
- “You are no match for the future master of the underworld.”
- “So much courage in the face of evil and yet so little skill.”
— win with high energy - “Your power is as weak as your soul.”
— win with high energy - “As well as you fought your power did not save you from my fury.”
— win with low energy - “Evil conquers again, but you did provide a struggle worth noticing.”
— win with low energy - “You are merely a reflection, cast in my image, to test my loyalty to Mephisto.”
— mirror match
- Mephisto: "Quickly my son. Give me the gems."
- Mephisto: "I will show you power beyond imagination."
- Blackheart: "No father. I am rejecting your endless dictatorship. Earth's pathetic heroes make you look like a fool. You are old, tired and archaic. Your authoritarian rule and endless games are over. He who posses the gems rules the universe."
- Blackheart: "Mephisto's kingdom of evil is no more. Now Blackheart rules all the universe!"
JPN Version[]
Win Quotes[]
- "Are you surprised? Death always comes suddenly."「驚いたかね?死はいつでも突然に訪れるものだ。」
- ""Buddha in Hell?" ...A bad joke indeed."「「地獄に仏」?・・・悪い冗談だな。」
- "I am the Prince of Hell, Blackheart. I need not know your name."「俺は地獄の皇子ブラックハート。おまえの名など知る必要はない。」
- "Could this be a victory? How boring."「これが勝利とりえるのか?・・・退屈なものだな。」
- “If you want to mimic my form, then go ahead and mimic my form. You will experience the same suffering as I do.「真似たければ、真似るがいい。俺と同じ苦しみを味わうことになるだろう。」”
— mirror match - “...I cannot feel this madness...「・・・狂気がおまえにはかんじられない・・・。」”
— mirror match - “A fake... or an illusion? I will not be driven to any more insanity!「ニセ物・・・それともまぼろしが?消えろ!これよ以上俺を狂わせるな!」”
— mirror match - “I am Blackheart. Who are you?「我こそはブラックハート。おまえは、誰だ?」”
— mirror match
vs. Thanos[]
Thanos: "Wahaha. It was amazing, Blackheart! With this Gem, I will become a god!"「わっはっは。ごくろうだったな、ブラックハート!このジェムでワシは神になる!」
Thanos: "Kneel before me and pray before me! Dedicate your death to me!"「ワシの前にひざまづき、ワシのためにいのるがよい!キサマの死をワシのためにささげるのだ!」
Blackheart: "Are you more powerful than the god who damned me to Hell? If not, then fighting is futile..."「俺を地獄におとした神より、おまえは強いのか?でなければ、戦ってもムダだ・・・。」
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter[]
- “A pity you had to face me.”
- “Father, another gift for you!”
- “I shall rule the universe with my power!”
- “Like father, like son. Suffer!”
- “My quest for power has claimed another victim.”
- “The Earth is mine!”
- “You are insignificant. Why did you even try?”
- “Your death means nothing to me...”
JPN Version[]
Win Quotes[]
- "The suffering you are feeling right now... That is the root of Hell..."「今おまえ達の感じている苦しみ・・・それこそが地獄を形づくる根源なのだ・・・」
- "...Welcome to Hell. Welcome..."「・・・ようこそ地獄へ。歓迎するよ・・・」
- "From the moment you fought me, your hell began..."「私と戦ったその瞬間から おまえ達の地獄は始まっていたのだ・・・」
- "Now, tell me. What do you want in exchange for your soul...?"「さあ言え。その魂と引きかえに望むものは何だ・・・?」
- "Death will come equally to all who oppose me... Even my father..."「私と敵対する者には等しく死が訪れる・・・たとえそれが私の父親であろうとも・・・」
- "Come to Hell. I will give you more power..."「地獄へ来い。そうすればおまえ達に さらなる力を与えてやろう・・・」
- "I am not a messenger of Hell... I am a ruler..."「私は地獄の使者ではない・・・支配者なのだ・・・」
- "Everything that is alive dies... The only difference is when that time comes..."「生あるものは皆死ぬ・・・その時がいつ訪れるかの違いだけだ・・・」
- "There is darkness in your hearts too..... And as long as it is there, I cannot be defeated..."「おまえ達の心にも闇がある・・・・・・。そして それがある限り私に勝てはしないのだ・・・」
- "Now, who would you rather I introduce you to? The Devil, or the Grim Reaper?「さて、悪魔と死神、どちらを紹介してほしいかね?」
- "How is it, Partner... Do you feel like experiencing Hell with these people...?"「どうだ(Partner)・・・この者達と地獄を味わう気はないかね・・・?」
- "Partner, what strength you possess... Your soul must be of fine quality..."「(Partner)よ、お前は強い・・・その魂、さぞ上質なものであろうな・・・」
- "A futile struggle... No one can escape the fate of death..."「無駄なあがきだ・・・死の運命から逃れられる者はいない・・・」
- "In exchange for your soul, I will give you eternal pleasure..."「その魂と引きかえに 永遠の快楽をやろう・・・」
- "Does it hurt...? I see. Good..."「苦しいか?・・・そうか。よかった・・・」
- "I am also a mirror that reflects the darkness in my heart... You were defeated by your own..."「私は己の心の闇をうつす鏡でもある・・・おまえ達は自分自身の心に負けたのだ・・・」
vs. Apocalypse[]
Blackheart: "Apocalypse. No matter how hard you try on Earth, you cannot become a god. In other words, you cannot defeat me."「アポカリプスよ。地上でいくらあがいても 神にはなれぬ。つまり、私には勝てぬのだ」
Apocalypse: "How absurd, Blackheart. Do you really think my power is beyond Heaven and Hell?"「笑わせるな、ブラックハート。私の力が天に、地獄におよばぬと本当に思うのか?」
Apocalypse: "Now behold the true power of Apocolypse! Behold and give your life!"「見るがよい、我輩アポカリプスの真の力を!そしてその命をささげるのだ!」
After winning against Cyber-Akuma (Japanese version only)[]
- If Blackheart was the main character after the last battle:
Blackheart: "Enjoy your fleeting "life" at best, Partner... For you will soon be swallowed by darkness as well..."「(Partner)よ、つかの間の「生」をせいぜい楽しむがよい・・・間もなくおまえも 闇にくわれるのだから・・・」
- If Blackheart was the partner character after the last battle:
Blackheart: "Hahaha... Not bad... Partner... It was quite amusing to have you stave off my boredom..."「フフフ・・・悪くない・・・(Partner)よ・・・退屈しのぎのわりには なかなか面白かったよ・・・」