Time to go to town! Die, die DIE!! Goodbye! DEAD MEAT!
Frank West
Case West/CASE: WEST, known as Survival Techniques in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, is one of Frank West's Hyper Combos. Frank charges forward with a throwing object. When this connects, he attacks the opponent with a flurry of attacks of several weapons that varies depending of the level of Photography, often finishing with a bat-swing-styled attack with the finishing weapon used which inflicts a soft knockdown. It has optional invincibility to most projectiles.
- This finisher resembles his Dead Rising Hyper Combo from Tatsunoko vs. Capcom.
- The Japanese name of this move was carried over to the English version of Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite.
- Akin to the aforementioned Dead Rising Hyper, this move's name also doubles as a title drop for one of the DLC scenarios from Dead Rising 2, known as Case: West.
- The Japanese version of this move also involves Frank yelling out the quote "JUST MEET!" (ジャストミート! JASUTO MIITO!), which is a Japanese baseball term (a Wasei AKA word made in Japan) for hitting a baseball squarely with the bat.