Marvel vs. Capcom Wiki


  • Come and get me!
  • I did it!
  • Come on!
    Tagging in; also Vs. Screen in MSHvSF
  • "Do it!" (Calling Assist)
  • "Here we go!" (Team Hyper combo)
  • "Yes!" (tagged in, also one of his Japanese win quote in X-Men Vs. Street Fighter)
  • "Your turn!" (Tagging out)
  • "Optic Blast!"
  • "Optic Sweep!"
  • "Gene Splice!"
  • "Cyclone Kick!"
  • "Ha!" (Perform an attack)
  • "Hu AERGH!" (Victory 2 & some attacks)
  • Behold! OPTIC BLAST!!
    Performing Mega Optic Blast & Super Optic Blast
    Win Quote Screen; MSHvSF
  • Okay!
    Variable Combination; MSHvSF only

X-Men: Children of the Atom[]

  • Given your rep, I expected more of a fight!
  • Good effort, you'll do the X-Men proud.
  • I don't lead the X-Men for nothing!
  • I'd tangle with the X-Men only if I wanted to lose!
  • Never mess with an X-Man!
  • Power isn't everything, friend!
  • You call yourself an X-Man? Next time, prove it!
  • You were tougher than I thought, I'll remember that!
  • There's only room for one Cyclops!
    mirror match

Win Quotes (JPN Version)[]

  • "I'll be sure to see a future in which mutants and humankind can live together...!"「ミュータントと人類とが ともに生きていける末来を、いっか必ずこの手に...!」
  • "The road may be rough, but we won't give up! Our battle is just beginning!"「道はけわしくとも、あきらめはしない!私たちの戦いはこれからだ!」
  • "True strength in battle is not about the strength of a single skill. It is about balance."「戦いにおける真の強さとは、一っの技が強いことではない。バランスがとれていることだ。」
  • "Professor, the X-Men will get it done!"「プロフェッサー、X-MENは かならずやりとげます!」
  • "The X-Men will keep on fighting until the fear of mutants disappears from people!"「ミュータントの恐怖が 人々から消えるまで、X-MENは戦い続ける!」
  • "You can't undermine my fighting spirit with such a puny attack!"「そんなちゃちな攻撃で、私の闘志をくじくことはできない!!」
  • "You see that? Optic Blast!"「見たか、オプティックブラストを!!」
  • "It's over, you've lost!"「終わったな、お前の負けだ!!」
  • "The leader of the X-Men will never lose heart!"「X-MENのリーダーは、どんな時でも けっしてくじけない!!」
  • "What's wrong? Look straight into my eyes!"「どうした、まっすぐ私の目を見てみろ!」
  • You're getting careless. The enemy will not be able to control you!"「不注意だぞ、敵は手がげんしてはくれない!
    vs. other X-Men
  • Have you realized! The X-Men will crush your Shadow Division!「思い知ったか!お前たちの陰課は、X-MENがうちくだく!」
    vs. villains
  • Your Optic Blast is fake!「お前のオプティックブラストは にせものだ!!
    mirror match

X-Men vs. Street Fighter[]

  • As a great man once said, ‘Dreams don't die!’
  • I am an X-Man! Don't even think about it!
  • I fight for the dream of unity!
  • My eye beams can destroy mountains.
  • Next time, I won't hold back!
  • Want to know why I won? I kept an eye on you!
  • You shouldn't have tried to defeat an X-Man!
  • You're just a novice. Go back to the Danger Room.

Quotes (JPN Version)[]

vs. Apocalypse[]

Cyclops: "I've got you, Apocalypse! Your scheme ends here!"「追いつめたぞ、アポカリプス!貴様のたくらみもここで終わりだ!!」

Apocalypse: "So, did you intend to chase after me? Cyclops, you will lose!"「それで我が輩を追いつめたつもりが?サイクロプスよ、お前達の負けだ!」

Apocalypse: "Now behold my true form! Behold and give your life!"「見るがよい、我が輩の真の力を!そしてその命をささげるのだ!」

Win Quotes[]

  • "Why don't you use that power more for world peace?"「その力、もっと世界の平和のために 使ってみてはどうかな?」
  • "Now we just have to keep fighting! And one day..."「今はただ、戦い続けるのみ!そして、いつか・・・」
  • "What's wrong? Look straight into my eyes!"「どうした、まっすぐ私の目を見てみろ!」
  • "Think of defeat as a training exercise!"「敗北も訓練のーつだと思ってくれ!」
  • "The X-Men will never falter!"「X-MENは決してくじけないッ!」
  • "STOP! That's enough. I fully understand your power."「STOP!そこまでだ。君たちの力は充分にわかった。」
  • "There's no brilliance in your eyes!"「君たちの目には、輝きがないぞ!」
  • "The power to overcome any enemy... It's belief and teamwork!"「いかなる敵にも打ち勝つ力・・それは信念とチームワークだッ!」
  • "We are the strongest team!"「我々こそ、最強のチームだッ!」
  • "We cannot stop our fight until the day the Professor's ideals are realized."「プロフェッサーの理想が実現する日まで、我々の戦いを止めるわけにはいかない。」
  • "Nothing is impossible for the X-Men!"「X-MENに不可能はないッ!!」
  • "There are people who believe in us. That's why we can't afford to lose!"「私たちを信じてくれる人がいる。だからこそ、負けるわけにはいかないッ!」
  • "Looks like we won today. I'm looking forward to another one."「今日のところは、私たちの勝ちのようだ。今度も楽しみにしているよ。」
  • "We will keep on fighting for the future of humanity and mutants!"「人類とミュータントの未来のため、我々は戦い続けるッ!」
  • "YES!"
  • "Just as expected! I knew you were someone I would have to fight at some point."「さすがだな!いつかは戦わなければ ならない相手だと思っていたよ。」

Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter[]

  • For my love, my friends, and mutants, I can't lose!
  • I can destroy mountains. You had no chance.
  • I had you in my sight the entire time.
  • I lead the X-Men!
  • The X-Men don't lose.
  • To victory!
  • You should have stepped aside.
  • You thought you had a chance? You were wrong!

vs. Apocalypse[]

Cyclops: "Your reign of madness ends here, Apocalypse!"

Apocalypse: "Cyclops- Prepare yourself..."

Apocalypse: "Now, let only the strong survive!"

Quotes (JPN Version)[]

vs. Apocalypse[]

Cyclops: "I've got you, Apocalypse! Your scheming has come to an end this time!"「追いつめたぞ、アポカリプス!お前のたくらみも今度こそここまでだ!!」

Apocalypse: "So, did you intend to chase after me? Cyclops, you will be the last to go."「それで我が輩を追いつめたつもりが?サイクロプス、おまえ達こそここまでだ」

Apocalypse: "Now behold the true power of Apocolypse! Behold and give your life!"「見るがよい、我輩アポカリプスの真の力を!そしてその命をささげるのだ!」

Win Quotes[]

  • "I still need more training... I never thought an enemy like this could be so formidable!"「私もまだ訓練が足りないな・・・こんな敵に、これほど手こずるとは!」
  • "I was surprised... Now, you guys are moving like amateurs!"「おどろいたな・・・今の君達の動きは まるで素人も同然だぞ!」
  • "Will we fight again? With your skills, I can see the outcome..."「もう一度戦うかね?君達の腕前では、結果は見えているが・・・」
  • "Just as expected! I knew you were someone I would have to fight at some point!"「さすがだな!いつかは戦わなければならない相手だと思っていたよ!」
  • "Thank you, Partner... I would've been killed without you."「ありがとう、(Partner)・・・君がいなければ、私はやられていた」
  • "Too weak... Don't you guys think you're decoys?"「弱すぎろ・・・まさか君達はオトリか?」
  • "Partner, there's a problem with your fighting style... We'll discuss it later."「(Partner)、君の戦い方には 問題がある・・・後でよく相談しよう」
  • "Until the day when humans and mutants can coexist peacefully... Our struggle will never end!"「人類とミュータントが平和に共存できる その日まで・・・我々の闘いに終わりはない!」
  • "There's no brilliance in your eyes!"「君達の目には輝きがないぞ!」
  • "The harder we work, the stronger our enemies... We can't let up!"「我々が努力するほど、敵も強くなる・・・気を抜くことはできないぞ!」
  • "That's too bad... Why don't you use that power for the good of the world?"「おしいな・・・なぜ、その力を 世界のために役立てようとしない?」
  • "You guys are more powerful than I expected... I was lucky to have won."「君達の力は私の予想以上だ・・・勝てたのは幸運だったな」
  • "We had room for discussion, but I lost my temper... and I'm sorry."「話し合いの余地もあったのに ついカッとなってしまった・・・すまないね」
  • "Did you think we would go into battle without taking any measures?"「我々が、何の対策も立てずに 戦いにのぞむと思ったか?」
  • "What was the difference between victory and defeat... Do you know?"「この勝敗を分けたものが何だったか・・・君にわかるかね?」
  • "Will we fight again? With your skills, I can see the outcome..."「もうー度戦うかね?君達の腕前では、結果は見えているが・・・」

After winning against Cyber-Akuma (Japanese version only)[]

  • If Cyclops was the main character after the last battle:

Cyclops: Thank you, Partner. With your help, we were able to stop Apocalypse's ambitions. 「ありがとう、(Partner)。 君の協力でアポカリプスの 野望をくい止めることができた。」

  • If Cyclops was the partner character after the last battle:

Cyclops: "I knew we could make it this far, Partner. From the first time I looked into your eyes."「ここまで来られることはわかっていたよ (Partner)。はじめに君の目を見たときからね。」
