Marvel vs. Capcom Wiki

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds[]

  • Don't hold back.
  • Hold back if you want, it's your funeral.
  • You bring it however you want.
  • You're gonna regret this in the morning...
  • You can't stop this!
  • Sorry, didn't mean to beat you so badly!
    match win
  • What's the matter? You still want a piece of this?
    match win
  • Yeah! I'm still Number One!
    match win
  • Yeah. That's why I love wrestling.
    match win
  • In the ring, I take off the tie and get down to the business of breaking bones!
  • In the ring, the suit and tie... and the gloves, come off.
  • It's my job to keep Metro City safe!
  • Just be lucky you didn't touch my daughter, or else you would've seen me when I'm really angry!
  • Once a wrestler, always a wrestler! That's the motto I live by!
  • Don't worry, I'm more of a challenge for you!
    to Hulk (intro)
  • Doesn't look like an armlock's gonna work on you...woah...
    to Shuma-Gorath (intro)
  • You'd make a good wrestler yourself.
    to Hulk (match win)
  • Whew, That took forever...
    to Shuma-Gorath (match win)
  • Big muscles don't mean anything if you don't know how to use 'em, pal.
    to Hulk (victory)
  • Woah. You got the poise, power and mic skills to make it big! Let me call my buddies at the CWA for ya!
    to Thor (victory)
  • You have the speed, power and smarts to take down anyone, but me. Why? It's all about experience.
    to She-Hulk (victory)
  • I haven't had a fight like that ever since I became mayor. Thanks, kid. That hit the spot.
    to Ryu (victory)

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3[]


UMVC3 Haggar Quotes (W Eng & Jap Voices)

Haggar quotes

  • Arrows, guns, whatever! Bring it on!
    to Hawkeye (intro)
  • Don't mess with the mayor!
    to Hawkeye (match win)
  • I said no interviews! My administration is on the up and up! Go find some real criminals to bug!
    to Frank West (victory)
  • How I love fighting a luchadore! You all have such a flair for theatrics in the ring!
    to Iron Fist (victory)

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite[]


  • No need to go easy on me. Come on!
  • Hold back and it's your funeral.
  • You chose the wrong Mayor to mess with.
  • You're not the only one protecting the city, webhead.
    Spider-Man as a teammate
  • Save the interview for after the match!
    Frank West as a teammate
  • I'll pay you back for when you saved me.
    Spider-Man or Chris as a teammate
  • If you try anything funny, I'll report you to the cops.
    Villian as a teammate
  • I'm gonna crush you like the bug you are!
    to Spider-Man
  • Here's a headline for you! You're gonna lose bad!
    to Spider-Man or Frank West
  • You can't protect a city, let alone its citizens.
    to Marvel hero
  • I don't know who you are but you gotta fill out an alien registration card.
    to Thanos
  • Outer space...? New Metro City is even more dangerous!
    to Nova
  • Hey, I like your stache, trim it yourself?
    to Doctor Strange
  • You made the city like this...I'll crush you!
    to Ultron Sigma
  • I'll send you to the recycling plant.
    to Ultron Omega
  • This heel's gonna get a beatdown to the face!
    to Thanos


  • I'll keep the peace of New Metro City!

Victory Text[]

  • Real men know when they've been slacking off! Stand up and we'll continue your "training"!
  • Of course I have an oil drum full of steak! Everyone's got one in Metro City! Guess your elected officials are slacking.
  • That was one heck of a bout! Let me help you up. Anyone who fights that well is alright by me!
  • Another S.H.I.E.L.D. chopper went down in my city? How many times do I have to tell Fury that NMC's a no-fly zone!?
  • I'm Mike Haggar, mayor of New Metro City! Don't be shy now. If you're in trouble, I'm the mayor you come to see!
  • Who said you could just go around smashing anything you want? Huh? ...Oil drums? W-Well, they're made to be smashed!!
    to Hulk
  • Star? You've got me dead to rights, big guy. I try to hide it, but Mike Haggar's star power keeps shining through! Hahaha!
    to Nemesis
  • Sniff around all you want, creep. Mike Haggar doesn't do scandals!
    to Frank West
  • A photo of me? Swing by City Hall and they'll give you a glossy eight-by-ten, signed by yours truly!
    to Spider-Man
  • We had the crowd on the edge of their seats! You've got real talent as a heel, you know that?
    to Villains
  • Are you alright there, miss? If Jessica found out I'd hurt a lady, there'd be hell to pay.
    to Females