Marvel vs. Capcom Wiki

Helm Breaker is a special move used by Vergil and Dante.


Originally a move from the Devil May Cry games, it is a standard falling air combo finisher. Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds, Dante's Helm Breaker was a standard air combo finisher input, while in Vergil's case, it is a command normal for him instead.

Dante slams down his Rebellion while Vergil slams the Force Edge down to the ground in a slashing drop. This move can be substituted as an air combo finisher in Vergil's case in order to keep the foe to in place via a straight downward plummet for OTG followups, while for Dante it still sends diagonally-downward at an angle, forcing it to be more effective in the corner than in the open.
