Marvel vs. Capcom Wiki

Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes[]

  • Eternity can be lonely. Please keep me company...
  • I shouldn't have gone so easy on you!
  • I'd be happy to do that again... if you get up!
  • It's rough sometimes... Just stay on your back...
  • No, you aren't the first one to lose...
  • Please don't be bitter! It's how I feel inside!
  • You can get hurt... Don't exert yourself next time!
  • Your soul is strong. May I borrow it... forever?

Quotes (Japanese version)[]

Win Quotes[]

  • "I was expecting you to attack me together, but... don't let me down."「二人で攻めてくれるって言うから 期待したのに・・・がっかりさせないで。」
  • "There's no need to be afraid... Once you remember the pleasure of falling, you can't stop..."「さあ、恐がらなくていいわ・・・おちる快感を 一度おぼえたら、やめられなくなるから・・・」
  • "Partner, you don't have to be so patient. Come with me..."「(Partner)、あなたもガマン しなくていいのよ。さあ、いらっしゃい・・・」
  • "How's that? Did you feel me enough?「どう?十分私を感じてくれた?」
  • "Lilith, how do you like your new, living body over there? I'm sure it suits you..."「リリス、あっちのイキのいい方、あなたの 新しい体にどう? きっと似合うわよ・・・」
  • "You can't just come at me out of the blue... There's got to be a bit more of a mood, you know?"「いきなり攻めてくるなんて・・・もう少しムードってものがあるでしょう?」
  • "Oh, is it no good anymore? It can't be helped. Come back next time when you're a bit stronger..."「あら、もうダメなの? 仕方ないわね。次はもう少し強くなってから来でね・・・」
  • "Hmm, not bad... You guys are pretty good..."「ふふ、悪くないわ・・・。あなた達、なかなか上手じゃない・・・」
  • "Trying to beat me... Your thoughts are amusing. You guys..."「私に勝とうだなんて・・・面白いこと考えるのね。あなた達・・・」
  • "That won't satisfy me. Come over here. I'll show you..."「それじゃ私を満足させられないわ。こっちへいらっしゃい。教えてあげる・・・」
  • "How's that, you guys? Are you satisfied? Hmm, I think I served you a little too well..."「どう、あなた達? 満足してくれた?ふふ、少しサービスしすぎたかしら・・・」
  • "After all that aggression, is it still not enough? Okay, come again..."「あんなに攻めたのにまだ足りないの?いいわ、もう一度いらっしゃい・・・」
  • "Partner... I never expected that you might be the one who can satisfy me..."「(Partner)・・・ 私を 満足させられるのは、案外あなたかもね・・・」
  • "Well... It's getting so hot... Hmm... Lilith and I will soothe you..."「まあ・・・こんなに熱くなっちゃって・・・ふふ・・・。リリスと私でしずめてあげる・・・」
  • "You came at me so frantically... Hmm, but I can't help it because I'm young. ♥"「あんなにがむしゃらに向かって来て・・・ふふ、でも若いんだから仕方ないわね♥」
  • "Partner, do you want me to attack you too? I can see it in your eyes..."「(Partner)、あなたも私に 攻められたい? そんな目に見えるわよ・・・」

vs. Onslaught[]

Morrigan: "Oh, you're Onslaught? I was expecting more from you, but you don't look like much."「あら、あなたがオンスロート?期待してたのに、たいしたことなさそうね」

Onslaught: "It looks like the bats have gone astray... Morrigan, I shalt return thee to darkness..."「コウモリが迷い込んできたようだな・・・モリガン、我が汝を闇にかえしてやろう・・・」

Onslaught: "Everything must perish! In my name! I am Onslaught, an angry god!!"「すべて滅びよ!我が名のもとに!!我はオンスロート、怒れる神なり!!」

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds[]

  • Don't let me scare you...
  • I hope we can have some fun...
  • I want you...body and soul...
  • You're in for quite a night...
  • Let's play again sometime.
    match win
  • Let's try that again.
    match win
  • Aw, don't be afraid. I'll be ever so gentle...
  • I could use a nice plaything like you.
  • I sense a strong power gathering. Looks like tonight won't be so boring after all!
  • I'm so glad you wanted to take me on, but you didn't have what it takes to truly satisfy me.
  • Mmm, that really did not satisfy my urge. I'm going to have to look for someone else to take care of me.
  • Mmm, that was fun. Let's do that again.
  • Well now, aren't you a handsome devil.
    to Dante (intro)
  • Aren't you just the cutest!
    to Tron Bonne, X-23 (intro)
  • Allow me to help release your hate.
    to Magneto (intro)
  • You need to strip off those prosaic morals.
    to Phoenix (intro)
  • Ha ha! Children should be sleeping at this hour.
    to Tron Bonne, X-23 (match win)
  • You need to learn to think happy thoughts.
    to Magneto (match win)
  • Show me your true form. Let it out...
    to Phoenix (match win)
  • You have a beastly charm I find just so, so intriguing.
    to Wolverine (victory)
  • Strip away those inhibitions and let your true self out. There is no shame in that.
    to Phoenix (victory)
  • Such a pure and chaste spirit. Oh the ways in which I could corrupt you...
    to X-23 (victory)
  • My, what strong tentacles you have. I hope the party is just getting started.
    to Shuma-Gorath (victory)

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3[]


UMVC3 Morrigan Aensland Quotes (W Eng & Jap Voices)

Morrigan quotes

  • Don't be so stiff. Let's have some fun.
    to Phoenix Wright (intro)
  • You're so serious... It's kind of cute.
    to Phoenix Wright (match win)
  • I see you like to run your mouth. I wonder if you use it for anything else.
    to Phoenix Wright (victory)
  • All I can see in your soulless eyes is myself. You have no soul worth charming, or even destroying.
    to Ghost Rider (victory)

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite[]

Character Select[]

  • Come! I shall show you such pleasures!
  • Your eyes burn with passion.
    paired with Ghost Rider
  • Forget salvation! What about pleasure?
    paired with Jedah


  • Let's forget about vengeance and burn ourselves with passion.
    vs. Ghost Rider
  • You have no soul. How tedious.
    vs. Ultron Sigma
  • Machines just aren't my thing.
    vs. Ultron Omega


  • Let's play again some time.

Victory Text[]

  • Sweet dreams, cutie. See you there.
  • Desire knows no words. I get it, darling, I get it.
  • You were OK, but I've had better. A night with me deserves a little more effort!
  • A whole new world filled with the likes of you... How thrilling. I wonder which of us will break first?
  • Relax, this'll just sting a little. What's a moment of pain in exchange for eternal pleasure?
  • Now that you've got me all warmed up, can you handle what comes next?
  • Why settle for cold, hard photographs when you could have warm, soft me? You'll find I'm a lot less...flat."
    to Frank West
  • All these years and you haven't changed your tune. Save your salvation for some other girl.
    to Jedah
  • Done already? Where's you stamina? You've spent too long gripping your hammer.
    to Thor
  • You really know how to set a girl on fire. Take me on another ride sometime, dear.
    to Ghost Rider