The Space Stone, also known as the Space Gem, is one of the Infinity Stones in Marvel Super Heroes and Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite.
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite[]
The Space and Reality Stones are used by Sigma and Ultron, now fused as Ultron Sigma, to use the Unity Engine to converge two worlds into one and transform "their" Ultron form into its current Ultron Sigma form. The Reality Stone was cracked by Thanos as a result of his previous fight against Ultron Sigma in Avengers Tower, leaving the Stone useless to restore and separate two realities.
Marvel Super Heroes[]
The Space Gem gives the character super armor and reduces damage taken for a few seconds, listed as "Super Armor". The character is surrounded by four swirling purple orbs. When equipped by certain characters, the Gem grants a special ability, displayed as "Super Armor SP".
- Magneto generates a force field around himself.
- Juggernaut gains a monochrome super armor on his body.
- Thanos summons a bunch of rocks then warps them toward the opponent.
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite[]
The Space Stone can be selected on the character select screen. Its Infinity Surge pulls the opponent towards them, similar to Magneto's Fatal Attraction in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Its Infinity Storm seals enemy inside a box-shaped space, preventing them from moving anywhere.
If the Infinity Storm is used against the opponent in a corner, characters who have fast ground light attacks will perform an infinite combo until the combos cancelled on certain numbers of hits.
External links[]
- Marvel Database: